Company At Glance


SFPL At Glance

Sanx Fertilisers Private Limited (SFPL), is a Non-govt company, incorporated on 14 Mar, 2014. It's a private unlisted company and is classified as 'company limited by shares'.

Sanx Fertilisers Private Limited Limited is a leading manufacturer and marketer of Single Nutrients, Mixture of Speciality nutrients, Various Natural BIO Derived Products for crop protection in India. SFPL also imports fertilizers for sale in India.Apart from this company also deals in various grades of water soluble fertilizers used in Agriculture.

The company is currently having its operations in 4 states of India namely, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Maharasthra& Tamil Nadu . Company is planning to expand its market to 3 more states(Chattisgarah, Uttar Pradesh & Rajasthan) in coming couple of years.

SFPL was Started in the year 1984 (Formerly in the Trade name SAN INDUSTRRY) under the Leadership vision of a great scientist, Dr.Radhakishen Mundada who is the PHD Holder in M.Sc, through his innovation & Guidance the company has invented its own unique formulations for high & qualitative yield in Agriculture. The company got its Position because of his inventions

Dr.Radhakishen Mundada along with his 3 Brothers namely,

1. RatanLal Mundada – He is holding Bachelor in Science certificate, he has vast experience of 35 years in the field of chemical & Fertiliser Industry and with his Vision, Chemical knowledge,impressive communication skills and connects, he managed to connect our company to other big business conglomerate resulting in establishment of B2B Business model

2. Shyam Sunder Mundada – He is Holding Bachelor of commerce degree. Just like his other brothers, he is having35 years of experience in the field of Chemical & fertilizer Field. He has brough various quality control measures to ensure high quality product, because of his interest in chemical field, he has developed few benchmarked chemical combinations.

3. BrijGopal Mundada – He is holding a Diploma in taxation. He has brought various administration measure to ensure smooth flow of various organizational activities. Beside bringing Administrative measures he is also great in coming out with various marketing strategies, hence the responsibility of marketing and its related operations is been taken care by him.

All Four Brothers worked together and with thecombine efforts of Dr.Radhakishen Mundada in field of R&D and Inventions, RatanLal Mundada in field of Chemical Combination research and business connect, Shyam Sunder Mundada in Chemical Compositions, Quality & Production Control, BrijGopal Mundada in Marketing & Administrative strategies respectively has brought a huge goodwill, Trade, Business & Stake holders to the company.

Our customer base comprises of Farmers and dealers (B2C), secondly Manufacturers (B2B). SFPL has undertaken (Through its Channel *) several agriculture extension activities so as to educate the farmers on efficient use of agro-inputs and provide know-how on improved and scientific methods of cultivation contributing to increase in their farm yield. These include Soil Sample Analysis, Field demonstrations, exhibitions, Etc.

SFPL is also committed to its Corporate Social Responsibility diligently with an objective to benefit the needy and for general good of the society. Various CSR activities is undertaken by the company towards sustenance of the environment, education and welfare of the community, propagation cultural activities, directly and indirectly, helping the internal & external environment around.